Belong Project
Imagine you are right in the middle of where you belong. How does that feel?
Where design meets coaching. Belong Project works with you on your life projects to get you to that place where you belong. A Co-Active, Design Thinking & Project Coach helping people design the life they want to live.
The Belong Project is about life's complexities starting with where we belong. Where we sit at the center of our life and how we create the balance within us can determine where our place in life truly is. Where do you belong? The word belong can mean different things to a person. The feeling of belonging is about feeling safe in your surroundings at home and at work. It can also mean feeling comfortable in your skin, your relationships, your family, and your community. There is so much in life that dictates how we are to be. I believe so strongly that our entire identity comes from the influences around us, but more importantly, how we connect and make sense of this for ourselves.
Project areas of focus:
• Career
• Entrepreneurial
• Expat/Immigrant Life
• Goal & Milestone Setting
• Health
• Mindset
• Project coaching
• Work/Life Balance & Harmony